So it now appears that those of us who said Blair was lying about Iraq's supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction have been proved right. So where do we go from here? Go to follow the instructions and write to your MP encouraging them to call for an independent inquiry into Blair's conduct prior to the war. Even in this sham democracy there are things which are considered taboo - lying to Parliament and the people in order to have a war being one of the most serious.
On a lighter note I helped organise a free festival type thing yesterday promoting cultural interaction and all that sort of stuff (think Rock Against Racism with less overt politics). I would like to take this chance to thank all those who supported us and particularly all the others involved in the organisation, as I've said before, I love you all. Time to start planning for next year?
On a lighter note I helped organise a free festival type thing yesterday promoting cultural interaction and all that sort of stuff (think Rock Against Racism with less overt politics). I would like to take this chance to thank all those who supported us and particularly all the others involved in the organisation, as I've said before, I love you all. Time to start planning for next year?
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